Story points

Story points can mean different things to different people. Some see them as the effort needed to complete all related tasks, while others consider them a complexity measure. Since user stories focus on users' problems and needs, shouldn't we focus on the value these stories provide instead of the effort behind them? Users want solutions, not the details of our development process. That's why if we are already talking story points, we should instead address the value these stories bring to our users.

Imagine if we changed our planning poker sessions to focus on the value of each user story rather than its cost. It would still mostly be guessing, but many people agree that estimating is guessing anyway. Finally, it's not about the estimated number of points; the discussion within the team while estimating is the real benefit of the process, especially if we'd be discussing the value behind each story. It would be a significant change of perspective. Instead of pressuring the team to complete stories more quickly, we would unite to find the best ways to solve our users' problems.